Study with evening light and shadow
Study with evening light and shadow
Evening light study
Evening light study
Study with evening light and shadows
Study with evening light and shadows
 The sublime
The sublime
Compositional study
Compositional study
Mixed media light work
Mixed media light work
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
Mixed media
‘Composition in blue
‘Composition in blue
Mixed media artwork
Mixed media artwork
Study with evening light and shadow
Study with evening light and shadowComposition with paper and red glass bowl.
Evening light study
Evening light studyComposition with evening light ,papers ,cloth and acetate
Study with evening light and shadows
Study with evening light and shadows Composition with rea cloth and evening light
Study Study in light and shadow with tea cloth and morning light
Study Composition with morning light,red bowl ,chair and paper.
 The sublime
The sublimeCompositional study with red glass bowl,paper and chair
Compositional study
Compositional studyImage featuring red glass bowl,paper and chair
Mixed media light work
Mixed media light workCompositional study with morning sunshine shadow,paper,acetate,chair ,glass bowl.
Mixed media
Mixed mediaComposition with sunshine,shadow,red glass bowl,acetate,paper and chair.
Mixed media
Mixed mediaCompositional study with sunshine,shadow,paper and acetate.
Mixed media
Mixed mediaMixed media composition with morning light ,shadow ,glass bowl,acetate,paper and chair
Mixed media
Mixed mediaComposition with light ,shade and polycrimada
‘Composition in blue
‘Composition in blueMixed media with light,shadow and polycrimada
Mixed media artwork
Mixed media artworkPlastic bowl,polycrilamida and glass bowl
MixedmediaLight ,shade,acetate,chair,glass bowl and paper
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